
May 12, 2014 § 11 Comments


i have a new eye

with this glass and metal box –

i’m a honey bee



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§ 11 Responses to changeling

  • SirenaTales says:

    Love your playful spirit, Rachael. Inspiring. xoxo

  • NEO says:

    Lovely job with the photos.

    And it’s true, a camera gives us a new set of eyes, in some ways better, not least because we can take our time to analyze.

    Enjoy your playtime, we don’t get enough of them to squander them with worry. 🙂

    • Rachael Charmley says:

      Thank you, Neo.
      It’s rather like being a child again and seeing everything anew. I suspect it’s the beginning of a new passion. Today I bought a macro lens… Eek ! 🙂

      • NEO says:

        I know, when I get mine (which I actually share) out, I get lost for hours sometimes. I haven’t recently, because of a technical problem I can’t get my (poor) results into my computer. Luckily for me, the one here does fairly well with it’s zoom lens. Once I solve that, I may join you. 🙂

  • Miranda Stone says:

    Now this is spectacular, Rachael. I love how you see things from such unique perspectives, and express those views in your writing. Well done, and such beautiful photos, too!

    • Rachael Charmley says:

      Thank you dear friend. So enjoying playing around with the camera and putting what I find to verse. These haiku are doing us both good, I think.
      After your wise suggestion, I wrote a little fiction this afternoon – it felt really good after my doubts that I could still do it. Your kindness and wisdom is such a gift. xx

  • pi314chron says:

    I can sense the delight with which you composed this charming haiku. And that’s as it should be — haiku should be not only for the reader but for the haiku poet as well. This one is a real “honey”!


    • Rachael Charmley says:

      You have a wonderful way of pointing out things at just the right moment, Ron. You’re so right – the haiku is for us as writers too. Such wise words dear friend. I so value your comments.

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