my youngest

May 20, 2016 § 6 Comments

vintage pedal car (8)


my youngest

in her pedal car –

off to timbuktoo


Unable to attribute this image, but to the little girl and her dog, thanks!

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§ 6 Responses to my youngest

  • Dan Antion says:

    such a determined look 🙂

  • chalcedon451 says:

    It reminds me of you too – that picture of you with your dog in the pram 🙂

  • mark says:

    Excellent Rachael,

    It’s funny, I haven’t heard Timbuktu (so many variations on spelling) used in this sense for years. I always used to know it as in the metaphor for a distant opulent fantastic place but then as I got older I got into various types of music from Africa including music from Mali. I subsequently learnt all about Mali and Timbuktu and the name itself lost its magic, but its nice to have it back if even for a brief moment.

    Thanks for sharing,


    • Rachael says:

      Thanks, Mark. I understand. I seem to have two Timbuktoo’s in my head: the one that exists in the ‘real world’ where beautiful music is made and poverty is accepted, and the other one from my childhood which stays sacrosant and where miracles will happen. A kind of Shangri La or Atlantis … 🙂

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